Monday, December 13, 2010

Multitude Monday

So much to be thankful for, and not least, that I can join Ann Voskamp's very sweet "Gratitude Community."

I must admit, I have kept a Gratitude Journal for some months now. All year, actually. A real one, not an online one. By kept, I mean that it has sat beside my bed, waiting for entries, that have come sparsely. I am still learning the art of recording blessings counted.

While I still find my blogging voice, my real Gratitude Journal shall remain with me, and this weekly post shall be just a glimpse of the one or two things I feel most compelled to share online.

As I glance back through a journal, not intended to be made public, I see a common theme of blessings that must needs be counted at least twice...

  • Grace... all grace. Not Jesus + my works. Grace alone.
  • His love, that is enough to take me through every valley
  • The valleys, and the firey trials, although painful, that press me closer to His precious heart
  • Restoration and renewal, and time to refresh, on a beach in southern Victoria
  • His presence, whispering love, with me, always

Photo: Cape Otway, Station Beach


  1. so lovely - and so true that while we may go through valleys and trials we find His heart so close and so dear.

    and i love that while you discover your blogging voice, you are choosing to give thanks.

    such a beautiful place to begin...


  2. Hi Kimberly, thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words! His heart being so near makes one thankful for even the valleys and trials, doesn't it? :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!
