Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Youth Camp Blessings

(After our youth camp in July, I was asked to write a report for "Believers Newsletter" in New Zealand. I thought I'd share it here, too, before the year was out! I have omitted names for privacy. Enjoy!)

Long before camp actually started, the expectation began building in the air. As friends began arriving from interstate, New Zealand, Germany, UK and even the US, the anticipation only mounted. We knew the Lord would move in our midst and speak to us in a special way. The Lord certainly did not disappoint!

A pastor of the fellowship in Auckland was the main speaker, taking four of the services.The pastor of the Melbourne fellowship, preached for two of the meetings. Every service only seemed to build on the one proceeding, continuously increasing faith and appreciation for God’s love for us. The Word came in simplicity and power, with a great emphasis on who we are in Christ, our position and authority over the enemy, and the victory and perfection Christ has already purchased for us. It was so wonderfully encouraging as the Word was opened and took each one deeper in their revelation and understanding of the power of the Word.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons, a series of activities was enabled to enable the youth to get to know each other better. Three groups were formed, and after much deliberation, were given the names “The Disciples,” “Joseph’s Ultimate Perfection” and “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Each person was asked to introduce the one sitting next to them, which often resulted in some hilarious responses! Each group formed a list of what they considered to be the top ten pressures facing young people today. The lists were compiled to form one master list, and the reasons and way of escape for each one was discussed. On Saturday, each group had to come up with a skit to act out its namesake. Given only a short time to develop a storyline and rehearse, we were forced to improvise, which only made it even more fun. Awards were given to the Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Skit, and after “Joseph’s Ultimate Perfection” almost took all three, they were distributed more evenly.

However, the highlight for many, without a doubt, was the final service of the camp.  As not everyone was able to stay for the final night, no ministry was planned for this night, and the young people were invited to share testimonies and items. One after the other, young brothers and sisters testified of God’s goodness in their lives, giving witness of events in which only God could undertake, of missing passports returned, of His provision to confess iniquity, miraculously providing wonderful exam results in less than wonderful conditions, of deliverance from depression, of salvation from sin, of filling with the Holy Ghost, and of healing. 

As the last item was sung, a sweet atmosphere hung in the room. In such an atmosphere of faith, knowing that if God had done so many wonderful things, He could surely meet any need in that room that night, the young people laid hands one on another and prayed for each other. United in such a spirit of prayer, many were touched by the Lord. The brother who was called upon to close in prayer could barely speak for the anointing of the Lord. As the final strains of “Till We Meet” faded, instead of turning to go, most fell on their knees and on their faces, as the Holy Ghost moved in what felt like waves rolling over the building. Many said afterwards that they were unable to even speak or pray anything except to softly whisper the name of Jesus. Such an atmosphere was very difficult to leave.

Our Lord Jesus has been so very gracious to us to bless us in such a powerful way, and to Him be all glory for the goodness He has shown to His children.

Photos: Sunrise at youth camp

Countless Christmas Blessings

It is early morning. Too early. I wish I was still asleep. So many late nights, I'm feeling tired and more than just a touch grumpy and impatient.

I slip away for a few moments on my own, and kneel to pray, Lord I need You to help me overcome this, overcome myself, my weakness, that Your glory may shine.

Give thanks, the prompting comes. I pull out my gratitude journal, and start writing, at first just from memory all the things I had thought ought to be recorded.

Then, after a few moments, peace comes, the One who is Peace, and takes my heart and my hand, and real thanksgiving flows. Little things, things I would have overlooked, big things, things I would have taken for granted.

This heart of thanksgiving was overflowing and all tiredness vanished, and I had the most blessed day indeed!

So much so, that I didn't get to blog last night, so my "Multitude Monday" is actually posted on a Tuesday morning my time. Since it's still Monday where most other participants are blogging, I thought it wouldn't matter too much :)

~ The blessing of late nights
~ Hot showers... that I would be blessed with clean, fresh, running warm water
~ Meeting Grace for coffee & talking of His grace for hours
~ Blog renovation, in time for Christmas!
~ The header photo... as I was looking for something to build my header from, I couldn't go past this photo. Snapped on the way home from work one evening, through my dirty windscreen, it had an aura that photos taken after I got out of the car didn't. Beauty and mess combined is life.
~ The Old Rugged Cross leaving me undone, again
~ The hunger to know Him
~ He was made flesh for us, that He might live within us

~ Christmas tree with family gifts - small tokens of love
~ Little brothers' excitement and anticipation and impatience at opening gifts
~ Joy on faces at perfect, simple gifts
~ Laughing at jokes, such as oldest brother, "Shaving cream and chocolate... thanks! I can make chocolate mousse!"
~ Piles of wrapping paper

~ Friend from afar joining us for Christmas lunch
~ Family feast for Christmas lunch
~ Health and healing to enjoy and appreciate
~ Cheesecake!
~ Dishes to wash
~ Friends to visit
~ Flowers to buy
~ Gifts to give
~ Hugs and kisses and "Merry Christmas!" 's
~ Still more food
~ Dinner with three precious friends

~ The atmosphere and expectation of a packed church and a full house
~ My pastor's preaching on Sunday, "Emmanuel, God with us, revealed in us."

~ "He has so many beautiful facets, and don't just take one and think that is all of Him. The fullness of God dwells in Him, and we must know Him, whom to know is Life Eternal!" - my pastor, morning after Christmas Day

~ Leftovers shared with friends - a feast made new!
~ Boys excitement and preparation and anticipation on leaving for boys' camp

~ Breakout on face... evidence of too much sugar over last few days!
~ Peace over a situation that had been bothering me. He is Peace!
~ Girls sleeping over and talking and not much sleep
~ Lying in bed listening to the rain
~ Spending day with two precious friends
~ Perfect weather for a perfect day
~ Browsing antiques - snatches of past nostalgia

~ Decaf soy latte - and not being able to taste the difference!
~ Miles of old books

~ Shops cute and quaint and elegant

~ Lighthouse... and the cross...

~ Red dirt

~ Cliffs and rocks and eroded greatness

~ The sound the rocks make as the waves recede

~ Foamy white waves - like toothpaste that doesn't taste like mint

 ~ A rock named after a pulpit

~ This earth, reflecting His beauty

~ Fish & chips on the beach

~ Bare feet in the sand
~ Feeding seagulls
~ Chasing seagulls

~ Fur seal on the breakwater

~ Sunset on sunburnt country


~ Sunlight in gum trees
~ That all things really do work together for good for those that love Him! The joy of seeing, the peace and rest of knowing, that He really does do just that
~ A blog to share my photos on, rather than burying them on the hard drive.

Photos: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and a Monday spent with two dear precious friends, on a coastal drive not far from my home